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2285 Resource s
2285 Resource s
  1. Listed are a web page and fact sheet (Chinese and English translations) summarizing and linking to the offerings included in a training series developed by PATH entitled "Global Access Training for Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Developers." The training is designed to provide an overview of key vaccine development strategies and planning necessary to develop COVID-19 vaccines that meet World Health Organization prequalification requirements and are competitive in the global market.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Training Material, Website, Fact Sheet
  2. To address the critical challenges of neonatal and maternal mortality, Ghana Health Service and PATH are expanding infectious disease screening and treatment among pregnant women through the Integrated Antenatal Care project. Working mainly at the primary health care level in nearly 70 facilities across 5 districts of Ghana’s Bono East region, the project is expanding the capacities of community-based and first-level health care providers in diagnosis and management of maternal infections; improving availability of services; and strengthening linkages between primary and referral facilities. The materials linked below were developed to aid the project's social and behavior change communication activities with health workers, patients, and communities.
    Published: December 2022
    Resource Page
    Infographic, Training Material, Fact Sheet, Poster
  3. Journal article published in Vaccines and co-authored by PATH's Jessica Price, Frédéric Debellut, Jessica Mooney, and Clint Pecenka.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article
  4. Journal article published in Journal of Clinical Immunology and co-authored by PATH's Melissa Atalig, Allison Golden, Helen Storey, and Roger Peck.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article
  5. Journal article published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences and co-authored by PATH's Melanie Picolo, Tanya Lalwani, and Matthew Frey.
    Published: November 2022
    Resource Page
    Journal Article