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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. The project “Moving the Needle on Anemia Reduction,” supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to identify facilitators and barriers to existing interventions, implementation gaps, and lessons learned for improved outcomes toward anemia reduction in India. PATH has taken a holistic approach to assess the current anemia interventions at the national level, and identify the key strategies required to strengthen the national Anemia Mukt Bharat (AMB) program for effective implementation.Throughout the course of this project, we undertook a series of activities to achieve our objectives. These included a rapid assessment of 15 states in India to gain insights into the barriers and enablers of the AMB program implementation, the use of living labs with a human-centric research design to co-design solutions from the perspectives of healthcare workers, key informant interviews, state-level consultation workshops, and a comprehensive review of the different components of the AMB program to develop landscape documents and reports.Through these concerted efforts, we produced a plethora of knowledge products highlighting different components of the program. These documents include a compendium of state-level case studies and best practices of anemia interventions, a living labs report, landscape documents focusing on digital interventions for anemia, anemia diagnostics, treatment pathways, market understanding of Injection ferric carboxymaltose, and advocacy state-level videos of our efforts for anemia.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
    Video, Report
  2. Sickle cell disease (SCD) affects 7.74 million people globally, with a rising prevalence especially in low- and middle-income countries like India, where it ranks high among tribal populations.In Maharashtra, PATH, in collaboration with the state's public health department, is spearheading the National Sickle Cell Anemia Elimination Mission (NSCAEM). This brief outlines NSCAEM's comprehensive approach to tackling SCD, focusing on enhancing services and implementing innovative strategies in high-prevalence districts like Nandurbar and Gadchiroli.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
  3. To identify solutions that maximize the frequency and quality of early childhood development (ECD) counseling in health services, PATH employed its Living Labs model of human-centered design (HCD) with service providers, community members, and government stakeholders in Siaya County in Kenya and Monapo District in Mozambique’s Nampula Province. This 8-page brief details each step of PATH's HCD process and the resulting, co-created, ECD counseling solutions.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
  4. This brief provides an overview of program-based budgeting and associated performance frameworks, and advice on choosing oxygen-related indicators to include in program-based budgets. The content within this brief is general in nature and, in order to be implemented, will require adaptation to specific health systems based on their particular budget and health system structure. This document draws heavily on both the World Health Organization’s work on program-based budgeting, and PATH’s efforts on medical oxygen.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page
  5. The digital directory of technologies for noncommunicable diseases and mental health in Asia-Pacific, developed by PATH under the Asian Development Bank’s guidance, aims to identify and catalog cost–effective, patient–centric technology innovations suitable for primary health care (PHC) settings.This directory focuses on screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and management of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and mental health conditions in low- and middle-income countries. By providing a comprehensive repository of scalable health technologies, the initiative seeks to enhance accessibility and affordability of care, particularly in rural and underserved areas, making PHCs more effective as the first point of contact for individuals.The directory serves as a searchable resource for stakeholders and external audiences, showcasing market–ready technologies for NCD and mental health care in the Asia–Pacific region. The development process involved thorough searches using specialized keywords on platforms like Google Scholar, Tracxn, Crunchbase, and Pitchbook, ensuring technologies met criteria for affordability, durability, ease of use, maintenance, and power requirements.Technologies are classified under major NCD categories (diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer) and mental health diseases, with further categorization by diagnostic tools, digital diagnostics, AI/ML innovations, telemedicine platforms, e–referral tools, and labor–saving technologies.
    Published: June 2024
    Resource Page