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2282 Resource s
2282 Resource s
  1. PATH and immunization program managers in Ethiopia, Guyana, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Uganda conducted a study to understand the contextual and operational factors to deliver a two-dose human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination schedule and to estimate their ongoing delivery costs, from the perspective of the health system. These six fact sheets provide focused, high-level study results from each country, including key operational findings and the financial and economic costs per dose for the countries’ HPV vaccination programs.
    Published: November 2023
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  2. Concerns about costs, vaccine procurement, and vaccine delivery are among the reasons that many low- and middle-income countries have not yet introduced human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Reported costs of HPV vaccine delivery range widely, and most prior research evaluated costs during demonstration projects or vaccine introduction. PATH and immunization program managers in Ethiopia, Guyana, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Uganda conducted a study that aimed to understand the contextual factors of HPV vaccine delivery in national immunization programs that are past the introduction years and to estimate their ongoing delivery costs, from the perspective of the health system. This brief provides a summary of the high-level results and key takeaways from the study.
    Published: November 2023
    Resource Page
  3. The COVID-19 pandemic has been the worst public health crisis the world has experienced this century, causing extensive damage to human health and exposing gaps across health systems globally. With more than 45 million cases and close to 533,000 deaths by October 2023, India has been one of the worst-affected countries by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a large population, systemic-level limitations, and urgency, India not only managed the crisis, but was also a leader in guiding various aspects of the pandemic response.By documenting the evolution of COVID-19 treatment protocols in India, we aimed to shed light on how government authorities considered, synthesized, and used local and global evidence, and how decentralized, state-level innovation were encouraged and scaled-up. Using qualitative approaches, we created a framework to map/inventory information presented in the COVID-19 treatment protocols and assessed presented information from a clinical management and public health perspective. Although the report focuses on aspects related to clinical management of COVID-19, it looks at it from a public health perspective. Our analysis considers administrative and procedural details for evidence-to-policy practice; highlights effective communication and dissemination strategies; and implications for broader use across other health areas. This report outlines learnings and best practices that would be useful for clinicians, policymakers, public health professionals, clinical and public health researchers, and risk communication specialists. This study was conducted through the Unitaid-funded, Population services International-led STAR Africa, Asia, Americas COVID-19 Preparedness project, implemented by PATH in India.
    Published: November 2023
    Resource Page
  4. This fact sheet describes PATH’s efforts to advance new and better vaccines against meningococcal meningitis and strengthen the global toolkit against this deadly disease. It details work across multiple efforts, including the development and distribution of MenAfriVac®, the vaccine that has virtually eliminated meningitis A wherever it has been introduced; and MenFive®, the groundbreaking multivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine that has the potential to eliminate epidemic meningitis in Africa, once and for all.
    Published: November 2023
    Resource Page
    Fact Sheet
  5. High–quality evidence assessing single–dose HPV vaccination suggests that implementing a single–dose schedule is scientifically sound and provides the greatest public health benefit.A single–dose HPV vaccination schedule has the potential to reach more girls and avert a greater number of cervical cancer cases than reaching fewer girls with a two–dose regimen.This brief provides a list of frequently asked questions and answers about the evidence around single–dose HPV vaccination, and the current policy landscape.
    Published: November 2023
    Resource Page