TIMCI observer countries meeting

The Improving Access to Tools that Detect Severe Illness event marked the final dissemination of the results and learnings from the Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (TIMCI) project, led by PATH in collaboration with a consortium of partners and funded by Unitaid.

This event brought together TIMCI observer countries and implementation teams, as well as country government representatives, country/regional agencies and implementation partners, and global stakeholders to review results from the TIMCI research studies in India (Uttar Pradesh), Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania, and discuss challenges and opportunities toward scale-up of pulse oximetry and clinical decision support algorithms.

The event was held on 11-13 June, 2024, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Recordings (Day 1 and Day 2)

Photo gallery, Day 1

Photo gallery, Day 2