Join us at the first USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto project "Best Practice Sharing and Learning Forum"

August 13, 2024 by PATH

The forum will share best practices for implementing comprehensive HIV prevention services, strengthening cross-sector collaboration, and improving service delivery. Dates, details, and links below.

From August 20 to 22, 2024, at the Imperial Sarova Hotel in Kisumu, Kisumu County, Kenya, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Nuru Ya Mtoto project is holding its first "Best Practice Sharing and Learning Forum." The forum will share best practices (see the book of abstracts) for implementing comprehensive HIV prevention services, strengthening cross-sector collaboration, and improving service delivery. It will also highlight the critical role of strong local government and multi-sector engagement in successful HIV programming.

Over 150 delegates are expected to attend the event, including public health experts from county governments, implementing partners, the National AIDS and STI Control Programme (NASCOP), USAID, the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and PATH. The forum will discuss innovative HIV prevention, treatment, and care strategies, fostering collaboration among health professionals, policymakers, and community leaders.

The five-year USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto project, funded by PEPFAR, is implemented by a PATH Kenya-led consortium of non-governmental organizations in partnership with county governments and local organizations in Kakamega, Homa Bay, Kisumu, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, and Vihiga. The project supports the Government of Kenya's HIV and AIDS response by providing and scaling up services for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) through the Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe (DREAMS) initiative.

Exhibition: We invite delegates to stop by the forum gallery walks (exhibition) throughout the event. This showcase will highlight the USAID Nuru ya Mtoto project's innovative interventions transforming HIV prevention and treatment services in the region.

Click here to download the forum book of abstracts for more insights about the discussions during the event.

To stay informed, follow the conversation and updates online through the #BestPracticeForum hashtag via the @PATHtweets and @nuruyamtoto accounts on X and LinkedIn.

To media personnel, if you would like to schedule an interview with event speakers, please send us an e-mail at

Below is the agenda and schedule of events during the forum.

Day 1, Tuesday, August 20, 2024 

Plenary 1: Opening Ceremony

Time: 8.00 am–10.30 am

Location: Main Hall (The Mayfair)

Abstracts Session

11.30 am – 1.00 pm

Location: Main Hall (The Mayfair)

Pediatric Care and Treatment: “The Impact of Clinical OVC Integration on Pediatric Viral Load Suppression: A Case Study of Baby Angel, a two-year-old at Jumuia Friends’ Hospital, Kaimosi”

Adolescents and Young People: “Documentation of Adolescent Living with HIV (ALHIV) Transition to Self-care Through Digital Innovation”

Pediatric Care and Treatment: “Role of OVC Community Interventions in Addressing Viral Load Suppression Among Children and Adolescents Living with HIV in Rachuonyo North, Homabay”

Parallel Sessions

Breakout Room 1: HIV Prevention & HIV Testing Services

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Location: Room 1

Abstract I: “Factors Influencing Uptake of HIV Testing Services Among Men: A Case Study of Nyamira County”

Abstract II: “HIV Prevention Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women (15–24 years) in Ileho Health Centre, Kakamega”

Abstract III: “Improving Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Retention at Month One Refill in Chulaimbo Subcounty Hospital, Kisumu”

Breakout Room 2: Adolescents and Young People & Community Health

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Location: Room 2

Abstract I: “Community-Led Innovations, Influencing Achievement Of 100% Viral Suppression Among Children and Adolescents in Oyani SDA Dispensary, Migori County”

Abstract II: “Navigating Psychosocial Distress Among HIV-Positive Post-Adolescent Young Mothers in Kakamega County”

Abstract III: “Enhancing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Adherence Among Adolescents and Young People (AYP) Living with HIV through Peer-to-Peer Support”

Breakout Room 3: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission & Gender

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Location: Room 3

Abstract I: “Outcome of Pregnant and Lactating Mothers Enrolled in Differentiated Service Delivery Models at Kijauri Subcounty Hospital”

Abstract II: “Review of Generational HIV Status Change from HIV-Positive Adolescent Girls and Young Women to HIV-Negative Children in Rachuonyo East Subcounty, Homabay”

Abstract III: “Strengthening Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Response to Reduce New HIV Infection”

Day 2, Wednesday, August 21, 2024 

Plenary 2 

Time: 8.00 am – 10.30 am

Location: Main Hall (The Mayfair)

Abstracts Session

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission: “Predictors of Adherence to Clinical Appointments Among Caregivers of Infants in HIV Care in Kakamega County Referral Hospital, Kenya”

Community Health: “Barriers and Enablers of Graduation Among Households of Children Living with or Affected by HIV Enrolled in an Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Case Management Program in Nyanza, Western Kenya”

Comorbidities and HIV: “Predictors of Mortality and Survival Probability Distribution Among Tuberculosis Patients in Vihiga County: Lessons Learned”

Parallel Sessions 

Breakout Room 1: Health Systems Strengthening & Continuous Quality Improvement

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Location: Room 1

Abstract I: “Utilization of CQI Approach to Improve PrEP Uptake Among Clients Attending a Maternal Child Health (MCH) Clinic at Usao Health Centre, Homabay”

Abstract II: “Improving Continuity of Treatment Through a Continuous Quality Improvement Approach at Kakamega County General Hospital”

Abstract III: “A Comparative Analysis of Performance Between Partner and Non-Partner Supported Comprehensive Care Centers in Nyamira County”

Breakout Room 2: Comorbidities and HIV

Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm

Location: Room 2

Abstract I: “Impact of Community-Based Active Case Finding in Early Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: A Case of Ichinga Dispensary, Kakamega”

Abstract II: “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Cervical Cancer Screening Among Health Care Workers in Nyamira County”

Abstract III: “Implementation of Enhanced Hypertension Screening Among PLHIV at St. Joseph’s Nyansiongo Mission Hospital, Nyamira”

Breakout Room 3: Adult Care and Treatment & Gender

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Location: Room 3

Abstract I: Prevention of Treatment Interruption Among Adolescents Aged 10–19 years in Gita Sub-county Hospital, Kisumu, Kenya.

Abstract II: Improving Viral Load Suppression and Appointment Keeping through the Alcoholic Club at Serem Health Centre, Vihiga County.

Abstract III: “Approaches for Gender-Inclusive HIV Care Among Adolescents and Young People: A Case Study of Kisumu West Subcounty, Kisumu”

Day 3, Thursday, August 22, 2024

Plenary 3 and Closing Ceremony

Time: 8.00am - 10.00am

Location: Main Hall (The Mayfair)

Panel Discussion

Time: 10.30 am – 12.00 pm

Location: Main Hall (The Mayfair)

Award Ceremony and Closing Remarks

Time: 12.00pm –1.15 pm

Location: Main Hall (The Mayfair)