Join PATH at the 77th World Health Assembly

May 13, 2024 by PATH

PATH delegates will be in Geneva, Switzerland from May 27 - June 1, 2024, participating in WHA official proceedings, connecting with partners, and highlighting our organization's global health initiatives.

The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO). Each May, the WHA brings together WHO Member States, partner agencies, civil society organizations, and WHO experts to discuss current and future public health priorities.

The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All.

Follow PATH's journey at the 77th World Health Assembly as our delegates host and participate in events surrounding UHC, digital health systems, and sustainability through manufacturing.

Read more about our upcoming side events below. Please contact with any questions.

Monday, May 27

GHTC Networking Breakfast

  • Invite only
  • Time: 9:00 – 10:30 CET

Tuesday, May 28

Six Years to UHC 2030: Time to Unite and Mobilize Global Actors

Seizing the momentum of the 77th World Health Assembly, Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI), UHC2030 and PATH will host a panel discussion on “Six Years to UHC 2030: Time to Unite and Mobilize Global Health Actors.” This event serves as a consolidation platform in mapping intersectional issues in UHC, catalyze a compelling call to action, and urging global health actors from the Global South and Global North to advocate for a UHC together through a shared understanding and consolidated messages.

  • Invite only
  • Time: 10:00 - 12:00 CET

Multistakeholder Dialogue on National Digital Health Transformation: Supporting Health Systems of the Future through Robust Foundations and Digital Public Infrastructure

This session will be the First Global Convening of the Global Initiative on Digital Health under the framework of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS). At this session, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), as action line facilitators of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Action line C7: E-Health, will introduce the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) as context of the session.

Self-Care in Action – Empowering Health and Well-Being

PATH, a co-organizer of this event, will be coming together with high-level government officials, representatives of WHO and other UN entities, the private sector and industry alliances, multilateral organizations, and other global health NGOs to highlight the relevance of self-care to achieve global health objectives such as the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Universal Health Care, NCD prevention and control, and improving access to and the quality of primary health care.

  • Invite only
  • Time: 18:00 – 21:00 CET

Wednesday, May 29

How AI can Enhance Health Service Delivery at the Last Mile

This event, hosted by Devex in partnership with Medtronic LABS, will explore ways AI can provide effective digital health solutions. Our CoDE Director, Laurie Werner, will be featured as a panelist.

Formal Public Launch of Africa CDC's Data Collection for the Monitor & Complementary Report

This event, hosted by WHO and Africa CDC, will discuss the data collection process for the Global Digital Health Monitor for 2024 for the African continent. Additionally, the event will frame the region’s work as a “complementary report” that is building off of the Monitor.

Thursday, May 30

Achieving Health Equity: Strategies and Challenges in the Digital Health Landscape

Part of the Geneval Digital Health Day, this session brings stakeholders together to discuss challenges and barriers to achieving equitable access to health care. Discussion points will focus on ethical considerations for implementing digital technologies, the role of collaboration amongst stakeholders, and shaping digital health policy for health equity.

More effective & accountable investment - A consultation on a new digital health investment checklist

Transform Health, Young Experts Tech for Health (YET4H), PATH, and health.enabled, are convening a co-creation workshop to consult stakeholders on a draft digital health investment checklist and develop an investment taxonomy. The checklist aims to strengthen investment, ensuring it supports the equitable, inclusive, sustainable digital transformation of health systems, towards UHC. The workshop will gather feedback and build alignment around criteria that should be included in a checklist, start to build consensus around a digital health investment taxonomy, which would define investment areas in the checklist, and explore what is needed to ensure it is a useful tool for stakeholders and integrated in existing tools and mechanisms. This session is part of the Geneva Digital Health Day.

Navigating AI in Global Healthcare

The PATH India digital team is participating in a workshop and discussion organized by the Geneva Digital Health Hub, with support from Geneva Health Forum and WHO. The workshop will feature a panel discussion and roundtable sessions exploring themes like challenges to adoption and scale of AI in public health, augmenting frontline health workers' care pathways through AI, use of AI in identifying and predicting climate related health risks, and AI's role in achieving Universal Health Coverage and health equity.

Taking forward the AU Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan 2024 2033: Leveraging the joint AU-G20 Collaboration on Health to advance Vaccines Manufacturing in Africa

This convening is a valuable opportunity for the African Union and the Ministries of Health of Brazil, Kenya and South Africa to articulate their priorities on local and regional production and innovation in health, and rally support from regional and global agencies and manufacturers. AU Member States and G20 countries will explore strategies to enhance research and development, pooled procurement, and manufacturing in the global south, in line with commitments to global health security. PATH will be co-hosting this event.

Friday, May 31

DPI+H – Health for All Through Digital Public Infrastructure

Hosted by PATH and the International Telecommunication Union, this event will foster multi-stakeholder discussions with the objective to take stock of the key trends, challenges, opportunities, and achievements made in global digital health and digital public infrastructure over the last 20 years.

  • Location: Innovate Space, ITU Montbrillant Building
  • Time: 10:00 –10:45 CET