Case studies

Our case studies provide an in-depth examination of the solutions and innovations PATH and partners develop to address the world's most pressing health issues.

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33 Result s
  1. How PATH, the Vaccine Data Co-Lab, and the Ministry of Health internationalized the country’s vaccine certificate system to restore safe travel and accelerate economic recovery.
  2. For 20 years, PATH has helped countries improve nutrition by bolstering large-scale food fortification with comprehensive technical, policy, and advocacy support.
  3. Through a dynamic partnership, PATH and Tanzania’s Ministry of Health pioneered an enterprise architecture approach that maps the current data use ecosystem and its potential future state to ensure digital tools reach their full potential to improve health outcomes.
  4. Under the Data Use Partnership (DUP), the government of Tanzania partnered with PATH to update its Human Resource for Health Information System (HRHIS) to facilitate better tracking of health worker credentials—from training throughout their employment.