We agree: principles are paramount for new digital development

October 27, 2014 by Kate Wilson

PATH makes the argument for developing innovations that are appropriate, scalable, and affordable...and not just for technology's sake.
Health worker touching the track pad of a laptop.

A health care worker pilots a health management information system on a laptop in Tanzania. Photo: PATH/Brian Taliesin.

PATH applauds Dr. Rajiv Shah’s recent IMPACTblog post (October 20, 2014, US Agency for International Development) about how technology is enabling innovative solutions to global problems. As an organization dedicated to driving transformative innovation to save lives, we know the importance of working with governments and key stakeholders to ensure that all products and services are appropriate, scalable, and affordable. Led by our Digital Health Solutions team, we were early supporters and shapers of the Greentree Consensus.

These principles are embodied in many of our projects, though perhaps best exemplified by the Better Immunization Data Initiative, led by PATH and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This initiative was designed to shine a light on the challenges surrounding the collection, quality, and use of health immunization systems data—and it will identify practical, country-owned, country-led solutions designed to be scaled to other health areas and regions.

PATH agrees that we shouldn’t be “creating technology for technology’s sake” but we also know the day is coming when information and communication technology tools will be as widely used to drive health impact as email is used to drive communication today.

We welcome the endorsement of these principles by major funders and practitioners around the world, codifying best practices in information and communication technology. And we will continue to work with global stakeholders to unleash digital health at scale.

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