In photos: PATH and partners welcome Nikolaj Gilbert in Kenya and Zambia

February 5, 2020 by PATH

In his second week on the job, PATH President and CEO Nikolaj Gilbert traveled to Kenya and Zambia to meet with staff, greet partners, and visit projects.


A community health worker and her child share stories and laughter with Nikolaj at a clinic in Chikankata, Zambia. Later that day, PATH and partners held a ceremony to honor the community health workers working to end malaria. Photo: Sarah Anderson/PATH

Here are a few highlights from each country including a tour of East Africa’s first human milk bank, a hula hoop competition, and a visit to a clinic in Chikankata.



In Nairobi, PATH’s Kenya Country Director Ben Aliwa takes Nikolaj on a tour of Pumwani Maternity Hospital—home of the first and only human milk bank in East Africa. Photo: PATH.

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In its first nine months of operation, the human milk bank provided lifegiving milk to 94 infants. PATH is working with local partners to make this pilot project a permanent addition to the hospital and expand it beyond Nairobi. Photo: PATH

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In Kisumu, the girls and young women who participate in the USAID-funded DREAMS project welcomed Nikolaj with a hula hoop competition. Photo: PATH

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The competition was short-lived. Nikolaj was no match and graciously accepted defeat. Photo: PATH



PATH’s Zambia Country Director Nanthalile Mugala took Nikolaj to tour the National Malaria Elimination Center. Since 2013, PATH has been supporting the MOH in testing tools and delivery methods for wide-scale malaria impact. Photo: Sarah Anderson/PATH


Nikolaj proudly displays his new “Malaria ends with me” bracelet. In Zambia’s Southern province, PATH’s collaboration with the Ministry of Health has helped reduce malaria prevalence from 31% in 2014 to just 3% in 2019. Photo: Sarah Anderson/PATH

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Nikolaj and Nanthalile also met with Dr. Kennedy Malama, Permanent Secretary of Technical Services in the MOH. Dr. Malama was glowing in his praise for PATH and described our partnership as “seamless.” Photo: Sarah Anderson/PATH


In Chikankata, PATH and partners held a ceremony to honor the community health workers who are on the front lines of malaria elimination. Here, Nanthalile embraces one of the workers being honored. Photo: Sarah Anderson/PATH

Thanks for checking out these photos! To learn more about PATH's efforts in human milk banking and malaria eradication, explore the articles below.