Part one: Tools for advancing maternal, newborn, and child health advocacy and accountability from subnational to global levels

June 27, 2024 by PATH

A conversation with advocates on resources to help hold policymakers accountable to their commitments and advance maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) advocacy at all levels.

At the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024, African countries led the way on a resolution passed to accelerate progress on reducing maternal, newborn, and child mortality. These commitments must be kept for progress to be realized, but there is often a key challenge for advocates to effectively track these commitments and translate them into actionable outcomes.

Hosted by Africa Health Budget Network, Jhpiego/AlignMNH, PMNCH, PATH, and Samasha on June 27, 2024, Part 1 of a two-part webinar, “Tools for advancing maternal, newborn, and child health advocacy and accountability from subnational to global levels”—the second in our Africa regional MNCH dialogues series —highlighted resources and approaches MNCH advocates can use to inform and enhance their work.

With an aim to help participants gain familiarity with new sets of tools to advance MNCH accountability and advocacy and to assist with tracking commitments, panelists presented various tools including:

  • Africa Health Budget Network’s approach to developing scorecards to track commitments, measure progress, and drive action towards goals
  • The Collaborative Advocacy Action Plans Initiative created by PMNCH to drive more effective and coordinated advocacy and accountability
  • PATH’s Capital to clinic tool to help advocates identify policy bottlenecks and work with policymakers to move policy from development to implementation


  • Ilze Kalnina
    Partner Engagement and Global Events Lead, PMNCH
  • Dr. Aminu Magashu
    CEO, Africa Health Budget Network
  • Wanjiku Manguyu
    Regional Advocacy and Policy Advisor, PATH
  • Dr. Ndeye Astou Badiane
    Senegal Country Program Manager, PATH (moderator)

Access additional resources, including the slide decks shared during this webinar.

Watch Part two

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PATH’s regional MNCH advocacy dialogues series seeks to support advocates in driving meaningful change and hold stakeholders accountable for their commitments.

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