Our 8 favorite photos of 2016

December 16, 2016 by Tracy Romoser and Tom Furtwangler

Why we love toothy smiles, selfies in front of colorful condom walls, and a festive chandelier made from menstrual cups.

Photo: PATH/Will Boase.

Photo: PATH/Will Boase.

It’s a scene still too common in rural Africa: Yellow jerry cans lined up at a water pump or faucet as women and girls (almost always women and girls) collect water and haul the heavy, essential burden home. This photo from northern Uganda shows part of the story—what’s not shown is almost 100 more jerry cans lined up on the ground in a curving arc to the pump, as people patiently wait their turn and the hot day turns to dusk.

Read more blog posts about our work in water, air, sanitation, and hygiene.

Melinda Gates talking with a group of people in a clinic.

Photo: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Riccardo Gangale.

Melinda Gates visits Magomeni Health Facility in Tanzania with PATH’s BID Initiative to learn how better data collection, quality, and use will improve immunization and overall health service delivery. While learning about interventions such as data use campaigns and the new national electronic immunization registry, Melinda meets Furaha, a mother of twins waiting for vaccinations. Furaha believes her twins will have a healthier chance at life and grow up to be anything they want thanks to life-protecting vaccines.

Learn more about our BID Initiative at http://bidinitiative.org.

A young woman receives a vaccination and reacts with surprise.

Photo: PATH/Rocky Prajapati.

Sometimes the best thing a friend can do is simply sit nearby, laugh, and remind you that everything will be OK. In Nepal, these girls are just two of thousands of children who received vaccines against Japanese encephalitis (JE). The country’s JE prevention and control program has been a shining success. Routine JE vaccination has already saved the lives of thousands of children.

An overhead photo of a large group of women and children in a living room.

Photo: PATH/Gabe Bienczycki.

“Zero Malaria! I’m engaged!” is the rallying cry in Senegal (“Zero Palu! Je m’engage!”) as community health volunteers educate their neighbors about how to protect children with bednets, recognize the symptoms of malaria, and drain standing water where mosquitos breed.

Learn more about our efforts to eliminate malaria in Senegal at www.makingmalariahistory.org.

(L to R) A three-photo collage shows insects being cooked in a pan, and two photos of women cooking and preparing insects.

Photos: PATH/Megan Parker.

PATH’s nutrition experts are studying how edible insect farms can open new doors for health and economic livelihood in Africa and Asia. But eating these akokono is nothing new in Ghana. For previous generations, they were a familiar meal—packed with protein, fat, and flavor. By helping women like Sofia start home-based akokono microfarms, PATH, partners, and communities are turning an old tradition into a new avenue for health and prosperity.

Kiran Gandhi, drummer for M.I.A., stands next to a chandelier made of menstrual cups.

Photo: PATH/Kate Davidson.

Kiran Gandhi, drummer for M.I.A. and spokesperson for Theviery Corporation, poses next to PATH’s #SheChandelier, a themed chandelier made from 100 menstrual cups. We had our product development shop make #SheChandelier so more people could learn about the many challenges women and girls in low-resource areas have managing their menstruation safely, effectively, affordably and with dignity. Kiran is the menstrual health advocate known for running the London Marathon while freely bleeding. You can see more #SheChandelier photos in our Facebook album.

A woman holds a baby, both are smiling broadly.

Photo: PATH/Georgina Goodwin.

They’re the happiest smiles our photographers snapped this year: Beya Towano with her baby Ency Bailingo at the Londolebe Health Centre in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ency had just been vaccinated, but there were no lasting hard feelings. Read about our work supporting immunization in the DRC and the country’s race to prevent a yellow fever epidemic.

Four people take a selfie in front of a colorful wall of inflated female condoms.

Photo: PATH/Christopher Nelson Photography.

In a photo that could only happen at PATH, our social media lead, Lippi Doshi, takes a selfie with some of her PATH colleagues in front of a colorful wall of inflated condoms. They were attending a festive after-hours event in our Seattle headquarters.

All told, PATH is working in more than 70 countries to save lives and improve the health of the most vulnerable. Your support helps ensure our success. Please remember PATH in your year-end giving.