Help us envision how innovation will change the world

August 27, 2014 by PATH

Lifesaving innovations are redefining the boundaries of global health and creating new opportunities for people to live healthy, productive lives.
African woman and man talk to each other in a lab.

Will the most important lifesaving innovations in the next 15 years be cultured in a lab, forged of steel, built of silicon chips, coded from zeros and ones, or planted in the ground? Tell us your thoughts! Photo: Kate Holt/AusAID.

Lifesaving innovations are redefining the boundaries of global health and creating new opportunities for people to live healthy, productive lives.

And as the United Nations defines the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals’ health targets, PATH would like your help in identifying leading innovations by taking this survey and sharing it with your colleagues and networks.

Please click here to take our survey.In 2015 we will issue a major Innovation Countdown 2030 report, supported by the government of Norway, describing technologies and other interventions that offer strong potential to accelerate progress and “bend the curve” of present health improvement trends. Please help us identify those innovations!

Two men look at a cell phone while standing in an outdoor booth displaying various devices.

Maker Faire Africa highlights ingenuity from across the continent. Which innovations will accelerate health and development the most by 2030? Photo: Flickr/Maker Faire Africa.

Many of the game-changing innovations driving our progress today were already in the pipeline when the Millennium Development Goals were launched in 2000.

What if we had known then what impact those big ideas would have? How many more lives could we save over the next 15 years if we could identify and accelerate new innovations with transformative potential?

By engaging entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, and experts across sectors and around the world, PATH’s Innovation Countdown 2030 initiative aims to accelerate high-potential innovations, catalyzing investment and increasing awareness of and support for transformative ideas to improve health and save lives.

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