Outlook reproductive health research newsletter celebrates 30th anniversary
Latest issue addresses adolescent sexual and reproductive health in a complex world

Outlook celebrates 30 years of sharing the latest reproductive health research. Photo: PATH.
How can busy public health professionals worldwide stay on top of the latest research? In part by reading Outlook, a newsletter produced and distributed by PATH for 30 years.
Since 1983, we've been synthesizing the latest scientific research and evidence on effective reproductive health programming and making it available to managers, policymakers, health care providers, researchers, and educators around the world.
Outlook reaches more than 55,000 readers in approximately 180 countries. Each issue is reviewed by independent experts, helping to ensure that our colleagues around the world can rely on its accuracy.
PATH is pleased to announce the 30th anniversary issue of Outlook, "Addressing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in a Complex World."
Adolescents and their sexual and reproductive health needs are in the global spotlight. Although age of marriage is increasing and adolescent birth rates are declining, many adolescents in lower- and middle-income countries–particularly girls–still face early pregnancy, HIV infection, and sexual violence.
This issue of Outlook begins with an overview of the complex sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents, which can vary substantially over the ten-year age range of adolescence. Specifically, the issue outlines how child marriage, early pregnancy, lack of access to family planning, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, violence, and mental health problems impact adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
The issue considers the strengths and challenges of three evidence-based approaches to addressing adolescent health needs: adolescent-friendly services within health care systems, comprehensive sexuality education, and multisectoral programs that address the social determinants of health. Due to the complex factors influencing adolescent sexual and reproductive health, diverse approaches and programs are needed to make an impact in reaching the large numbers of adolescents around the world.
The issue also addresses key challenges and proposes priorities moving forward, including achieving scale and financial sustainability. As global health leaders and governments chart a course of action beyond the Millennium Development Goals, the sexual and reproductive health needs of today's large population of adolescents must be recognized as a strategic priority.
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Posted January 6, 2014.