Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Fact Sheets

The USAID-funded Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Initiative (POPPHI) has developed numerous fact sheets on postpartum hemorrhage to educate individuals on its severity and how it can be avoided through active management of the third stage of labor.

Publication date: January 2008

Available materials

    1. Community Education Fact Sheet: Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage - PDF
    2. Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor for the Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Fact Sheet for Policy Makers and Program Managers - PDF
    3. Fact Sheets: Uterotonic Drugs for the Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage - PDF
    4. Provider Fact Sheet: Augmentation of Labour - PDF
    5. Saving Women's Lives: Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage - PDF
    6. Selection of Uterotonic Drugs in Tropical Climates - PDF