Requests for proposals

Request for proposal 2024-044: Supporting the importation and delivery of buprenorphine for research use for the HepC3P project in Vietnam

As part of the Unitaid hepatitis C portfolio investment in prevention of hepatitis C among key populations in low– and middle–income countries (HepC3P project), PATH will collaborate with its research partner to conduct a study in Ho Chi Minh City and Nghe An province in Vietnam.

This study aims to assess the values and preferences, feasibility, effectiveness, and cost–effectiveness of delivering long–acting depot buprenorphine (LADB) as a treatment for opioid dependence.

We are seeking an agency to import buprenorphine (both long–acting depot and sublingual forms) upon obtaining the study approval to be granted by the Vietnam Ministry of Health, which is expected to be granted in early September 2024.

View more details below:

Proposal requirements (English)

Proposal requirements (Vietnamese)

If you can provide this service, please submit a detailed proposal and qualified profile no later than 5:30 pm on August 9, 2024, Hanoi time. Proposals received after this deadline will be ineligible.

Request for Applications RFA2024-016: MATRIX Technology Accelerator Domain 1 Prevention Challenges: Overcoming Impediments to HIV Prevention

This is an opportunity to apply for funding to advance research applications related to HIV prevention. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from Kenyan, South African, and Zimbabwean institutions are invited to apply to this request for applications (RFA) sponsored by MATRIX (Microbicide R&D to Advance HIV Prevention Technologies through Responsive Innovation and eXcellence): A USAID Project to Advance the Research and Development of Innovative HIV Prevention Products for Women.

This RFA is designed to support research by a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow to address the critical need for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and/or multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) development that meets the goals of the MATRIX consortium and USAID.

The funding opportunity has two objectives:

  1. For the applicant to gain, through active mentoring, the professional expertise required to become an independent scientist.
  2. For the applicant to acquire research experience by conducting HIV prevention research.

Solutions to these challenges can stimulate the development and implementation of effective HIV prevention strategies that meet the diverse HIV prevention needs of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), pregnant and breastfeeding people (PBFP), and female sex workers (FSWs).

Successful applications will deliver innovative research while providing training and mentoring to the next generation of African scientists. PATH, a member of the MATRIX project, will oversee application submission and award processes using an oversight structure that draws from US- and Africa-based administrators. The number of awards will be based on meritorious review of the proposals received.

Instructions on how to apply and templates for the application are below:

Key dates:

  • Letter of intent due (optional): August 15, 2024 (8 a.m. Pacific time)
  • Fact-finding questions due (optional): August 15, 2024 (8 a.m. Pacific time)
  • Responses to fact-finding questions provided to applicants: August 23, 2024 (8 a.m. Pacific time)
  • Applications due: September 16, 2024 (8 a.m. Pacific time)
  • Estimated decision notification: November 16, 2024
  • Estimated project start date: February 1, 2025

Note that MATRIX reserves the right to modify this schedule as needed. Parties who express interest will be notified by email of any changes.

This request for applications expires on September 17, 2024.

Request for quotation 2024-WFA-01: Telehealth service

Under the telehealth component of Wellness4All Project, PATH is seeking a telehealth care service provider to provide distant professional primary counseling and support to workers and their families suffering from mental and physical health challenges.

The telehealth service to be provided include:

  1. Virtual mental/psychological health consultation for individuals with mental health/psychological challenges.
  2. Virtual physical health consultation for adults with common illness (internal medical issues).
  3. Virtual physical health consultation for children with common illness (internal medical issues).

View more details here.

If you can provide this service, please submit a detailed quotation and qualified profile no later than 5:30 PM on 20th June 2024, Hanoi time.

Request for proposal 2024-Amgen-01: Updating and upgrading Song Khoe app

PATH is collaborating with the Department of Preventive Medicine in some provinces and cities to implement the "Transforming Responses to Non-Communicable Diseases in Vietnam" project.

We are seeking an IT vendor to update and enhance the applications for screening, risk assessment, treatment management, and support for the care of cardiometabolic diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and obesity. The app will be implemented in Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam.

View more details here.

If you can provide this service, please submit a detailed proposal and qualified profile no later than 5:30 PM on 28th June 2024, Hanoi time.

Request for proposal 2024-041: Digital tools–Primary health care transformation in Indonesia

Based on co-creation with the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Directorate of Public Health, PATH is implementing a catalytic intervention, known as the Primary Health Care (PHC) Transformation in Indonesia project, to increase community access to PHC by deploying integrated community cadres service delivery, digital-first approaches and data for decision making.

This PHC Transformation project is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) from July 2023 – July 2025 and is being implemented in Surabaya, East Java and Keerom, Papua, two of the MOH’s nine priority districts.

One of the key objectives of the project is to deliver adaptive digital-first approaches to enable integrated case management and cadre to trained health care worker telehealth.

As a result, PATH is looking for a vendor to develop a digital tool to be used by community health workers in Indonesia, in accordance with the requirements included in attachment A, terms of reference of the request for proposals (RFP).

Please review the RFP and attachment A for complete details on this opportunity. The financial proposal must be submitted using attachment B, budget template. Annex A provides some general tips on the preparation and submission of proposals.

The deadline for submitting a proposal in response to this RFP is June 28, 2024, 6pm, Jakarta time. All proposals must be submitted to

Request for proposal 2024-032: Provision of supply, installation, commissioning, testing and maintenance of a payroll management solution

PATH is seeking proposals on provision of supply, installation, commissioning, testing, and maintenance of a payroll management solution.

The deadline for submitting a proposal in response to this RFP is June 14th 2024.

Please view the requirements here and here.

Request for pre-qualification 2024-014: Pre-qualification of vendors/suppliers for PATH Uganda.

PATH is seeking prequalification of vendors/suppliers for the PATH Uganda country office.

Click the links below for more information:

National tender notice.

Pre-qualification details.

Our principles

PATH subscribes to principles of simplicity and economy in procurement operations. We comply with US government procurement integrity regulations, anti-terrorism regulations, and Equal Employment Opportunity legislation.