Data Use Partnership
The Data Use Partnership (DUP) is a Tanzanian government–led initiative that is improving the national health care system through better use of health information. PATH is supporting the Government of Tanzania to strengthen digital health and build local capacity so that everyone—from government officials to health workers to patients—can have better access to health information and make more informed decisions, leading to a healthier Tanzania.
DUP advances Tanzania’s Digital Health Investment Road Map for improving health outcomes and directly aligns with government priorities. It demonstrates Tanzania’s commitment to building for scale, sustainability, and health impact by developing an integrated digital health system.
Strengthening digital governance and policy
Under the DUP initiative, PATH is supporting the government to develop a series of policies, guidelines, and strategies to ensure health data is used effectively, but also remains private and secure. In 2019, a new Digital Health Strategy (2019–2024) for Tanzania was launched which will guide the implementation of digital health initiatives.
Building a health workforce of the future
DUP is equipping Tanzania’s health sector with skills for the country’s changing digital landscape. This includes training existing and future generations of health workers to make better use of digital platforms and data, developing digital and data use toolkits, and employing eLearning platforms to reach the most remote and hardest-to-reach health workers.
Digitalizing primary health care
Digitalizing primary health care involves a suite of user-friendly software designed to support a range of health sector processes, from ordering new medicines and supplies, to registering new patients and recording their medical history. In practice, this means when a child visits any clinic a health worker can electronically access his complete health history and know what services he needs, leading to better and more efficient treatment.
The impact
DUP is a collaborative, holistic approach that will empower health workers and build a healthier Tanzania. Better data will allow Tanzania to better respond to disease outbreaks, identify underperforming health facilities, and manage complex health issues that require an understanding of patients’ full medical histories.
For more information about the Data Use Partnership, visit the website of Tanzania's Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children. To follow our journey, subscribe to our newsletter and explore past issues below: