Women's Stories, Women's Lives: Experiences with Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment

Women's Stories, Women's Lives: Experiences with Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment is a collection of stories based on interviews with women who participated in the Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (ACCP) screening and (when applicable) treatment programs. These women's stories illustrate the unnecessary suffering cervical cancer can cause women and their families and how prevention programs can save women's lives.

Publication date: January 2004

Available materials

  1. English

    1. Women's Stories, Women's Lives: Experiences with Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment - PDF
  2. French

    1. Women's Stories, Women's Lives: Experiences with Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment [French] - PDF
  3. Spanish

    1. Women's Stories, Women's Lives: Experiences with Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment [Spanish] - PDF